Wednesday, September 16, 2015

35th Aniversery Dinner

(Brian) I will let the food speak for itself, the plating was amazing and the food divine;

Amuse bouche; Vichyssoise

(Brian) Lobster salad, cold lobster over warm potatoes, carrots and celery, the mayonnaise was sublime. Check out the piping around the edge if the plate, it was flawless.

(Yvonne) Foie Gras torchon, Yvonne moaned the entire time she was eating it.

(Brian & Yvonne) Chef Bocuse legendary Truffle Soap, we added this to our prefix, it was a mistake, $85.00 euro for a bowl of soup and too much food with everything else we had, such is life.

Yvonne said this was the best white wine she ever had.

(Brian) Turbot over braised leeks

(Yvonne) Red Mullet with potato scales

(Brian & Yvonne) Veal Sweet Bread, morel & chantarell mushrooms

Then the cheese tray arrived, we both cried uncle and passed on this course

In case there wasn't enough cheese on the tray they showed up with this table

Demi of chocolate crème

The dessert tables arrive, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no more!

I had to have a small piece of chocolate cake with probably the best vanilla ice cream I have every had, they put strips of cherry under the ice cream that, were flat out amazing and screamed fresh cherry's, I have no idea how they made those.

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