Winding up our last day {for now) in Paris- can you say rain, rain, rain? I thought you could. The day started off cloudy and we had a walking tour lined up in Montmartre. So taxi to Montmartre (we got one of the 4 taxi drivers who was NOT trying to kill us or shorten our lives this time, thank God). Met up with our guide and started the tour in a light drizzle. I have to give it up to the guides here, they know their stuff and are most happy to share it. I learned so much about France and Paris this week, it was really amazing. So we began our walk, through Montmartre cemetery and up the hill towards Sacre Coure (Sacred Heart) the church at the very pinnacle or highest point of Paris. As we climbed, the rain got steadily harder and harder. By the time we reached the church, it was a downpour. So we tried to stand on the porch of the church (us and every other poor soul in Montmartre out in the rain) shoulder to shoulder with humanity while our guide tried to shout over the rain (and people) to give us the history of the church. We then went inside. What an amazing church. Even with the thousands of people who pass through it daily, it remains a peaceful, holy and special place. Simply breathtaking.
And then, back out into the rain. Down, down, down from the summit. We gave up (we were going to try the metro) and cabbed back to the hotel. Wrang ourselves out and headed over to the Eiffel Tower. At this point the rain had stopped (again) and we were hopeful. NOT!!!! While we queued up with our tour group, the rain began again. And the wind. Did I mention that I'm afraid of heights? So, wet, windy and crowded, we went up. We went to the first two floors and our guide took us around and tried to point out the various sights, but they were shrouded in clouds and fog. She then left us (she had another tour starting and her time with us was over) but we had tickets to the summit. So, up, up up with me hyperventilating every foot of the way (by the way, the views are spectacular even if they do make me sick) and the clouds had blown off for a really spectacular view. The floor was soaked (metal deck) so everyone was slipping and sliding. Not ideal. Brian took pity on me and our visit was short. But I would do it again, rain and all. IT WAS AMAZING.

Looking down the elevator shaft while we are going up inside the leg of the tower
Drenched and wind blown but we made it to the top!
I would love to see the Eiffel Tower. It looks so awesome.
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