Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why two fat cats?

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love weird socks. Birds, snakes, chili peppers, dogs have all made guest star appearances in my sock drawer. Currently, my two favorites are a lime green pair with Mexican sugar skulls all over them and a white pair with red crabs all over them that say "Bite me". Needless to say, I do not wear those to work. :)
A few years ago, I found a cute pair with two cats on them walking away from the viewer, their tails swinging in the breeze and their paw prints winding around the socks. Brian loved them. "That's us!" he said. "Two fat cats!" And the name stuck.
Currently, we have "Chez Townsend Two Fat Cats" (our imaginary restaurant, conveniently located in our kitchen) and are in the process of designing and hopefully building "Two Fat Cats Ranch". We hope you enjoy the Two Fat Cat adventures. Tomorrow is the big day- takeoff! We'll keep you posted!

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