Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bouchon the meal (or feast would be a better description)


A Bouchon is a neighbor hood eatery where you are sat at a table and you wait for others to show up and be sat at your table so it is full before they start serving you, family style;

Yvonne sporting her new scare she got in Governed at Monet's museum.

Note the left side of the bar, you are given seven (7) cold salads, all of which are dressed in a light vinegar and herbs sauce or mayonnaise with vinegar and herbs;

First, three (3) bowls are placed on your table consisting of; Small white haricots (beans), Calf's feet salad and Ox muzzle (beef cheeks sliced thin with onions)

then two (2) bowls; potato salad and beetroot (pickled beets)

Then two (2) bowls; pickled herring and lentils

Then your main course of choice comes, Yvonne had Pork banquette with vegetables and I had Hot Pork Sausage, which came in a white herb cream sauce and a side of macaroni and cheese, the two gentleman sitting with us, one had breaded and fried Tripe and the other Blood Sausage with Lyonnais potatoes.

At his point we are crying no more when the cheese course comes, which does not deter our waiter who goes and gets the desserts, prunes in red wine, custard flan and apple sauce.

This custard cake was amazing and it covered the entire length of this tray when they started passing it around the room, when it got us it was this little sliver, which the waiter would not take no when he cut it up and dumped it on our plates with us screaming "no more"
Then with an evil look in his eye he showed up bearing shot glasses, and poured each of us a shot of what looked like brandy, laughing he walked away, when he came back, me being a smart ass raised my shot glass looking for another and he said no and put the bottle on the bar, as soon as he turned his back the bar tender ran out from behind the bar and filled our glasses and them ran back behind the bar before the waiter saw him, we were all laughing, took our shot and the bar tender did the same thing again. $78.00 euros all in, it was awesome.

We waddled out of the Bouchon into the welcomed cool night air and strolled over to Place des Terreaux square, what wonderful night


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