Thursday, September 17, 2015

Les Halles, Wine & Cheese Tasting


We had a glitch in the matrix while we were in Paris and missed our wine and cheese tasting, our travel agents Celia and Beth from BellaTerra travel went out of their way to re-schedule a private tasting for us in Lyon to make up for it.

They set it up in Les Halle de Paul Bocuse, a legendary food market where they bring the finest ingredients from all over France.

We awoke to total down pour this morning, the storm blew over just and we got ready to walk to the market, the market is about a mile walk from the hotel, over the river Rhône.

Le Halle is within walking distance of our hotel- a long walk, but worth it. Every kind of fancy cheese, meat, prepared food and desserts are available in the market. It's a covered market with three long aisles going down the length of the building. In addition to the food, there are several wine merchants there with great selections of French wine.
We had a tasting of twelve different cheeses ranging from mild and creamy to extra stinky and sharp. They were wonderful! We choose three that we liked especially and bought small amounts, as well as charcuterie and wine (and macaroons! Those are just amazing) to have on our way to Geneva tomorrow- a picnic lunch. They even sold insulated bags to carry them in.
Tonight, another bouchon restaurant for dinner. Just roll me home and stick a fork in me- I'm done.

The tasting;



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